Something went wrong

Take part in the Festival of Chichester

If you’re reading this page, it’s probably for one of the following reasons:

You have not signed in to the website first

If so, you can do so by using the magenta buttons in the top right corner of the website.

You haven't confirmed your account yet

When you registered and paid for your event, you didn’t click on the link that you should have received as an email shortly after. Sometimes there can be a delay for that email to arrive.

If this happened, please:

  • Use your browser back button to return to the previous page.
  • Go to the email and click on the link, it will take you to the website.
  • Refresh your browser.
  • You should then be able to continue with your event application.

You haven't selected the right number of events

You paid for a single event but have inadvertently then selected “multiple event” while filling in your application form.

If this happened, please:

  • return to the application and change the selection to “single event”.
Can we help you?

Still having a problem?

If the problem persists, or if you have arrived here for any other reason, please contact and we will work things out for you.

The 2025 festival will run from Saturday 14 June to Sunday 20 July.

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