These acclaimed musicians, always popular with Festival of Chichester audiences, invite you to join them for an evening of beautiful baroque music in the glorious setting of Boxgrove Priory. Composers include Vivaldi, Bach and Telemann.

The Parnassian Ensemble comprises:
Sophie Middleditch and Helen Hooker – recorders
Gareth Deats – baroque ‘cello
David Pollock – harpsichord

Since its formation in 1998, The Parnassian Ensemble has gained a reputation for virtuosic performances and innovative programming. It regularly appears at prestigious venues throughout the UK and abroad.

An unusual feature of its recitals is the introduction to audiences of fine, original, early eighteenth century English recorder music which would otherwise remain virtually unknown. It was this enthusiasm that led to the recording of its critically acclaimed first disc, A Noble Entertainment – Music from Queen Anne’s London 1702-1714, released on the Avie Records label (AV 2094).

Sophie and Helen play on a variety of recorders, all of them copies of fine historical instruments. Gareth plays on a ‘cello made by Barak Norman c.1720. David plays on a harpsichord from his collection of early keyboard instruments, selected according to the requirements of the programme.

“…excellently played recital…alluringly sweet-toned.” (The Sunday Times)
“…performances are equally elegant and polished…perfectly co-ordinated ensemble…” (The Telegraph)
“The playing is admirably neat…ensemble taut, and decorations stylish.” (BBC Music Magazine)
“…style and intelligence…” (Gramophone)

Tickets £17, over 60s £15, students and children under 16 £10.

Organiser: The Parnassian Ensemble

Event Details
  • Start Date
    30 June 2024 19:30
  • End Date
    30 June 2024 21:30
  • Status
  • Category
Event Details
  • Start Date
    30 June 2024 19:30
  • End Date
    30 June 2024 21:30
  • Status
  • Category