The Chichester Society is hosting a panel discussion by people deeply involved in Chichester’s life who are concerned about the future of our historic city, chaired by the Chichester Observer’s Phil Hewitt. What does our panel, and you, suggest will make Chichester a vibrant and attractive place?

We are celebrating the birth of the Chichester Society 50 years after a public meeting in the Cathedral on 17 June 1974 that attracted about 1,500 people. It was held in response to changes viewed as wrecking this city’s character. These included new roads that required houses on Orchard St and Franklin Place to be demolished. Today’s development is less dramatic, such as several new housing estates on the city’s margins, but they seem excessive against a background of inertia. We want the best for this city:
• housing that is affordable
• good public transport
• convenient cycling routes
• a vibrant city centre
• somewhere that is clean, tidy and respectful of our heritage, admired by residents and visitors alike.
But we welcome initiative and growth!
Viewed in a national context, Chichester’s problems are not unique because the clash between urban growth and conservation is experienced across the country.
But we are squeezed between the Downs and the Harbour and as a result seeing wholly inappropriate development.
Let’s brainstorm our ideas and work together for the best that good planning and architecture can provide.

Find out more about the Chichester Society at its website: chichestersociety.org.uk

Free (booking advised), reception follows, donations welcome.

Event Details
Event Details