Festival of Chichester annual public meeting switches to Zoom

Organisers of the Festival of Chichester are setting the ball rolling for next year with their annual public meeting.

In extraordinary times, the festival committee will be switching to Zoom as they start to think about 2021.

Festival chairman Phil Hewitt said: “Over the years, we have developed a lovely structure to our year, and our autumn meeting has always been an important part of it – a chance for us to tell you what is on our minds and a chance for you to tell us where you think we should be heading.

“Thanks to the generosity of Chichester City Council, always a fabulous supporter, we have always held the meeting in the council office in North Street – which is in fact where we held our first-festival meeting back in 2012 just to see whether there was an appetite for a new, much more Chichester-centred festival in the wake of the collapse of the old Festivities.

“The answer back then was an emphatic yes – and so we have continued. And we even continued this year, with an alternative online festival. We felt it was vital that we kept the Festival of Chichester flag flying, particularly in such horrible times for everyone.

“And that’s very much our thinking for next year too.”

The plan is for a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, November 17, beginning at 7pm. Drop us an email to receive details on how to confirm your attendance.