Please come back to this website between 1 March and 30 April to submit your application for entry. There will be a link to access information and an online entry form.
We are still looking forward to the 2021 Festival of Chichester between 12 June to 11 July and hoping to be able to return to a lively, eclectic programme of arts events.
However, because of the current circumstances, the festival committee feels that we need to delay our festival entry window from February to March. We will keep in touch with you and confirm closer to the date that the entry window will open on 1 March and will close on 30 April. As previously advised, all entries will need to be submitted via a new registration form on this website. You have the usual guidance and information to help you complete your application. If all progresses to plan, the box office at The Novium will open for ticket sales on 1 May.
If the national situation means we won’t be able to progress to a full live festival in 2021, we’ll be planning for a new kind of online festival, perhaps also including some open-air events or socially distanced gatherings, depending on the rules applicable at the time.
We are very grateful for the wealth of ideas generated at our public meeting on Zoom. The fantastic support we’ve had from our organisers and audience members is much appreciated. We will do all we can to provide the best festival the times will allow.
We are planning an active publicity programme to develop contacts and to enable us all to work together by supporting each other’s events and maximizing the benefit of all our individual contacts and mailing lists. By working together, we can amplify the message and this will help you to reach a wider audience for the events you are planning.
Update to plans for the Festival of Chichester in 2021
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