The Festival of Chichester launches on Saturday 10 June

Festival of Chichester

With dozens of independently organised events spread over a period of a month, the 2023 Festival of Chichester starts on Saturday 10 June.

All are welcome to join us between 2pm and 4pm on Cathedral Green, (PO19 1PX, close to the Market Cross) for a memorable afternoon that will whet appetites for what is in store over the coming weeks.

The Mayor of Chichester, Craig Gershater, and Chichester’s very own famous novelist, Kate Mosse, will officially open this year’s festival. There will be free entertainment from Bernardi Music Group, the Sleepy Lagoon Orchestra, Chichester Festival Youth Theatre and The Rosemary Bell Academy of Dance.

Come along and join in the fun. Meanwhile don’t forget to book ahead for over 90 brilliant events lined up across all the arts, including music, book events with famous authors, poetry, art exhibitions, walks and tours, theatre and more! To get the full picture, please browse this website and discover the fantastic choice on offer. The festival officially runs until 9 July but even after that there are a few extra bonuses. 

The majority of event tickets are available online and in person from The Novium, Tower Street, Chichester, PO19 1QH, just a stone’s throw north of the Cathedral. Email:; phone: 01243 816525. For phone and in-person bookings the box office is open Tuesday to Friday 10am-4.30pm & Saturday 10am-5pm. Also on Sundays 10am-4pm from June 18 onwards.