The Festival of Chichester is now in full flow

Week 2 (21 to 27 June)

The 2021 Festival of Chichester is now underway with a scintillating mix of outdoor, live and virtual events, which offer audiences the chance to immerse themselves in fun, culture and entertainment. We have had a fantastic first week with outdoor theatre, the Chichester Free Fringe online and lots more. The second week brings even more delights which can be browsed on the Festival website.

There’s a wonderful choice of musical highlights with a screening of the film classic, Battleship Potemkin, with an orchestral score by Crispin Ward, and the Orbita Baroque Orchestra with Piers Adams, both at the University. Top class jazzy sounds from the fantastic Charlotte Glasson Trio, featuring legendary guitarist Chris Spedding, will flow from the stage of the Assembly Room at the Poetry & Jazz Café, when you can also catch top poetry from Romani writer Raine Geoghegan and Sussex poet James Simpson launching his exciting new collection.

Other musical delights are an unusual Harp Guitar Concert and Basically Beethoven. Or you could enjoy the catchy sounds of Summer Acoustic Nights or go Walking on Sunshine.  Spoken word features with a stimulating talk on How the World Thinks by Julian Baggini or you can follow the Trail of the Peripatetic Font.

Art lovers are spoilt for choice with a wide selection of shows across the city and beyond. Take your pick from Chichester Art Society’s exhibition at the Oxmarket, be Inspired by Light at the Little Gallery, West Wittering, follow the Chichester Art Trail Hub, enjoy Catherine Barnes’ colourful paintings, or spot the cartoons of celebrities in Legends of Sport, Music and the Movies.

Then, of course, there’s the city itself, which can be explored on walks with expert guides – choose from Guided Tours of the City Walls or the Highlights of Chichester’s History.

To get the full picture, please browse this website to see the fantastic choice on offer. You won’t be disappointed!  The Festival runs from 12th June to 11th July.

Battleship Potemkin, Piers Adams with Orbita Baroque Orchestra, The Poetry & Jazz Café, Harp-Guitar in Concert, Basically Beethoven, Summer Acoustic Nights, Walking on Sunshine, How the World Thinks, The Trail of the Peripatetic Font, Chichester Art Society Annual Exhibition, Chichester Art Trail Hub, Catherine Barnes Paintings, Legends of Sport, Music and the Movies, Guided Tours of the City Walls, Highlights of Chichester’s History.

Image: The Charlotte Glasson Jazz Trio